
About Us



Diary Dates

MHC Championships

• Results 2021

• Results 2022

• Results 2023

Results 2024



Safeguarding & Welfare

First Aid

Sports Council Funding

IOM Sport Aid




About us


The Council shall be named the Manx Horse Council.

To promote and enable active participation in all equestrian sports and events on the Isle of Man.

To give instruction in all aspects of horsemanship to improve sporting performance.

To encourage inclusiveness and participation across all sectors of society

To coordinate all equestrian events on the Isle of Man.

To represent and act on behalf of the members in all matters relating to the Isle of Man Government, the Isle of Man Sports Council and other bodies where it is in the interest of equestrian organisations to act together.

Membership of the MHC shall be open to currently active Riding Clubs, Equestrian Organisations and allied bodies who seek to promote equestrian events and competitions and who work for the welfare of the horse and the training of horses and riders.

Applications for membership should be made in writing to the Chairman or the Secretary and will be considered at the next following meeting at which at which the application will be approved, refused or deferred for further consideration.

No funding will be available to members who have no constitution or governance

Annual donations will be fixed each year and approved at the AGM.

The full council will meet on at least two occasions each year.

One of those meetings shall be preceded by an Annual General Meeting.

At an AGM a quorum shall consist of no less than 8 council members with at least 2 of the following present: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer

Member organisations will be represented by the Chairman of their organisation (or a deputy appointed by their chairman).

A Chairman for the MHC may be appointed from among the members or from outside the membership.

Honorary Officers
The honorary officers of the MHC shall be:-
• President
• Chairman
• Treasurer
• Secretary
Executive Officers
• Performance Group officer/representative
• Coaching coordinator
• Calendar/publicity officer
• Safeguarding officer/statutory requirements
• First Aid coordinator

The Honorary and Executive Officers, (the Committee), shall meet at least quarterly or more frequently if required. Minutes of the Committee meetings shall be emailed to all members of the Manx Horse Council within 21 days.

At a committee meeting a quorum shall consist of no less than five members with at least two of the following officers present:- Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

The Treasurer will maintain a record of all financial transactions in a ledger or similar facility maintained for the purpose together with any supporting records and documentation relevant to such transactions.

The financial year will run from 1st April and end on 31st March each year.

All monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the Manx Horse Council.

Any cheques drawn against the Manx Horse Council funds should hold the signature of the Treasurer plus up to two other officers.

Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting should be held at the end of April
Notification of the Annual General Meeting will be circulated with 21 days’ notice.
At the Annual General Meeting the following business will be transacted:
i. to receive the Chairman’s report
ii. to receive the Treasurer’s report
iii. to receive the Secretary’s report
iv. to receive and approve the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts for the financial year
v. to appoint the Honorary Officers
vi. to elect the Executive Committee
vii. to review Honorariums for Treasurer, Secretary and any other officer as appropriate.
vii. to review Annual Donations

At the Annual General Meeting each year, one third of the members of the Committee shall retire, the members to retire being those who have been the longest in office. Those who have been in office for the same amount of time shall determine retiring members by lot.

Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be convened by the Committee or by a request to the secretary signed by not less than five members of the council.

The secretary shall give all members 21 days’ notice of such a meeting including the purpose for which the meeting is being requested.

The Council shall establish rules, which will govern all members during activities organised for and behalf of the Council or Riding Club, Equestrian Organisation or Allied Body affiliated to MHC. Any changes to the rules must be approved by the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) called for the purpose, by a majority of two thirds voting members.

The role of the Committee shall be to action the rules of the Council.

1. Each currently active Riding Club, Equestrian Organisation and Allied Body affiliated to the Manx Horse Council shall abide by the rules of the Council.

2. Manx Horse Council has adopted the British Equestrian Federation's "Safeguarding Equestrian Sport" policy.

Manx Horse Council and its Affiliated Clubs, Equestrian Organisations and Allied Bodies are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for children, young people and adults at risk.

Whether involved in Competitions or any other Events organised by Manx Horse Council or by currently active Riding Clubs, Equestrian Organisations and Allied Bodies affiliated to Manx Horse Council, including activities such as training and coaching events, courses, assessments and professional development days, all these participants have a right to be safe and protected from harm.

It is important that all currently active Riding Clubs, Equestrian Organisations and Allied Bodies affiliated to MHC read, understand and implement the key principles of safeguarding as set out in the BEF policy. Ideally, all should apply that policy itself as far as they can

As part of this, they should designate an officer within the club, organisation or allied body to be the safeguarding lead and notify MHC who that is. The reason for this is twofold:
i. Developments in safeguarding good practice regularly take place and these need to be implemented at club level by awareness and training, including through regular training of all those in the club to varying degrees, depending on the work they do for the club. MHC will help keep all nominated safeguarding leads up to date;
ii. MHC can give assistance to the nominated safeguarding lead in the event that there is concern about specific individuals or circumstances.

3. Each riding club, organisation and allied body must abide by the regulations currently in force in respect to GDPR.

4. Each Riding Club, Equestrian Organisation or Allied Body shall comply with the following policies and other such policies and procedures at such time or place as the MHC deem appropriate :-
i. Anti-doping Policy
ii. Equality and Diversity Policy
iii. Privacy Policy
iv. Complaints, Disputes and Grievance Procedure
v. Conflict of Interest Policy
vi. A procedure covering insurance

25th February 2024

Web Design by Jo Ralston